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October to February 2022

PARU Tea Shop

Unlike many tea shops, Paru sources teas from around the world and also mixes them together to create new blends like Shiso Hibiscus and Golden Turmeric Matcha. These blends taste like the multicultural world that I inhabit as a 4th generation Japanese American and 3rd generation Chinese American.


Chrysanthemum tea brings me back to the Chinese restaurant in LA that we always went to with my grandparents. Cherry blossom tea transports me to the springtime plumes of pink flowers at the Japanese Friendship Garden of San Diego.


Sipping a Paru blend takes me to a new landscape depicted here, an imaginary place with numerous different flavors swirled into a varied terrain. Across this new blended landscape, the changing seasons follow hills and valleys of teas as they bloom, dry, and expire together as one.

Teas & Tisanes in this Piece
Coconut Chai, Ya Shi Cream, Saigon Breakfast, Jasmine Wild, Sticky Rice Oolong, Black Hibiscus, Chrysanthemum, Butterfly Pea Flower, Shiso Hibiscus, Marigold, Cherry Blossoms, Blue Chamomile, Rose Petals, Orange Slices, Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Globe Amaranth, Sticky Rice Pandan, Rose Hips, Chiang Rai Green, Okinawa Sugar, Chicory Coffee, Moriuchi’s Sencha

Instagram: @paruteabar

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silk kimono on chicken wire

This light sculpture symbolizes those no longer with us who we would like to have tea with. 


Additional works on view at

Paru Tea in Point Loma

(3034 Cañon St. San Diego, California)

Sculptures from left to right:


  • Curl (2021) Rattan 

  • Joy (2021) Avocado-dyed

       fabric and chicken wire 

  • Sunrise (2021) Rattan

  • Sunset (2021) Rattan

  • Instagram


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